Thursday, November 22, 2012

'Twas a busy week.

Yes, indeed!

It was a busy week!

I had been running errands as I had sent in a package to the Philippines.

It was picked up by the shipping company two days back and should be received at home after 10 working days max.

Work has been so stressful for me and I ended up in a doctor's clinic.

I cannot breathe well and she told me since my lungs and heart are clear, might be from the acid brought about by the stressful situation.


Aside from that, she had given me an appetite enhancer as I am also underweight.

Am just so thankful that today is already Thursday and I get a chance to rest well.

We had also booked our tickets and hotel for a six-day trip to Goa, India.

It's our first trip together since a couple friend of ours are going there for the holidays too!

I was supposed to go to Dubai over the weekend but my work visa hasn't been renewed and I'm hoping that this will be done come Monday.


Hopefully, the I can still conquer the coming days.



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